New Year, New Relationship Goals

Start the new year off right by joining our relationship-building program, designed to help singles and couples create happy and fulfilling connections. This program focuses on building strong communication and problem-solving skills, and is suitable for people at all stages of their relationships.

If you’re tired of…

If your partner has withdrawn or shut down emotionally
If you are feeling frustrated ,desperate, alone and or even afraid in your marriage
If it feels like there’s a “fuzzy” communication problem whenever you talk
If arguments over small things explode into heated fights
If your sex life has lost its sparks
If you are feeling blamed and criticized and anything you do is never appreciated
If your spouse is demanding and has an angry outbursts
If Your spouse doesn’t really listen to you
If you are struggling to forgive a betrayal of trust (e.g. an affair)

What You’ll Discover on this Program:

Step -by-step solutions to fix every relationship problem so that you can reignite love and enjoy an exciting relationship.
The surprising reasons as to why you are struggling in your relationship
Four connection rituals that will help you connect with your partner instantly
Proven communication skills and conflict management and resolution strategies to get you connected with your partner.
Get awareness of your unconscious patterns of relating that prevents you from communicating kindly

It’s time to embrace your unique qualities and strengths, and start building the fulfilling relationships you deserve.

Whether you’re looking for love or seeking to deepen your existing connections, our program is here to support you. Let’s  focus on creating a brighter, more loving future – together.

Marriage & Relationship Coaching

Do you struggle with self-consciousness and insecurity in your relationships? Do you worry about being judged or not feeling attractive enough? These doubts and fears can take a toll on your love life and prevent you from fully enjoying and connecting with your partner. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Our program is designed to help you cultivate self-confidence and self-love, so you can show up in your relationships with authenticity and vulnerability. Say goodbye to self-doubt and hello to a more fulfilling, loving life.


New Year, New Relationship Goals

Do you feel like the romance has fizzled out of your relationship? Are you struggling to communicate effectively with your partner or resolve conflicts in a healthy way? It’s time to reignite the spark and build a stronger, more loving connection. Our 8-week online coaching program is here to help.

Led by a certified coach, this program is designed to provide you with the tools and strategies you need to improve your communication, resolve conflicts, and reconnect with your partner.

Our weekly sessions are tailored to your unique situation, and offer a supportive and confidential space for you to share your challenges and progress.

Take the first step towards a happier, more fulfilling relationship – join us today!

Step-by-step Guidance

With our step-by-step guidance, you’ll learn how to reignite love and passion in your relationship, and enjoy the exciting, fulfilling connection you’ve always wanted. Don’t let another day go by feeling stuck or unhappy – join us now and start building the relationship of your dreams.

Eliminate Miscommunication

Through a combination of self-exploration and guided support, you’ll learn how to recognize and shift your unconscious patterns, and start communicating in a way that is more compassionate, understanding, and kind. Join us now and start building the relationships you deserve.

Success Stories

Faith Njogu is the best inspiration I have ever had who has made my union even stronger, healthier, and happier. I would recommend her to anyone for the best advice and guidance where marriage is concerned.

Indeed working with Faith is the best investment I have ever made.

Mercy Ikenye

The program have been so helpful to me, because there before, there were so many things which were like a mountain to my relationship but now things are in order,

Faith taught me that the in marriage and the strategies for every stage and now I know how to navigate through successfully winning in every step.

Michael M.

Meet Faith Njogu

Faith Njogu is a certified marriage mentor and relationship coach. Her approach to coaching and mentoring is positive and goal oriented, developing small tangible tasks towards desired outcomes. She works with women and couples to help them reignite love so that they can have more spicy, exciting and fulfilling relationships.

With 5 years of counseling experience, Faith understands relationship issues and the impact for individuals and families.

Choose Your Path